Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Bleubird X Cari Wayman

My sweet friend and Refueled magazine style photographer Cari Wayman's amazing photos are being featured on Bleubird Vintage. The colors, subject tone and overall vibe works well for the site, perfect fit. Cari and I have a photography/graphics book collaboration coming out very soon. Stay tuned for details.


Rock Couture said...

Congrats on the collaboration and book :)

Chris Brown said...

Thanks girl! I think you'll dig it.

Khat said...


TheClocktowerForest said...

This sounds great! I have spent a considerable amout of time of Cari's flickr page.

A. said...

A book? That's pretty great! Congratulations! The pictures are really pretty, they have a great mellowness to them :)
